MegaHouse Memories of Japan (Showa Diorama Series) / ニッポンのおもいで (昭和ジオラマシリーズ)
MegaHouse Memories of Japan (Showa Diorama Series) / ニッポンのおもいで (昭和ジオラマシリーズ)
Product Condition(s): Sealed, Pre-owned, and Vintage
- # 1 Wood Stove & Sleeping Cat / 釜戸と昼寝ネコ
- # 2 Racoon at the Hearth / 囲炉裏とタヌキ
- # 3 Persimmons and Chickens / 干し柿とニワトリ
- # 4 Dog Helping with the Firewood / 薪割とお手伝い犬
- # 5 Sparrows and Frog at the Water Pump / 手動ポンプとすずめと蛙
- # 6 Best Bath Thief / - SECRET SET