RE-MENT Mother's Kitchen / お母さんの台所
RE-MENT Mother's Kitchen / お母さんの台所
Product Condition(s): Sealed and Pre-owned
- #1 Meat and Potatoes / 肉じゃが
- #2 Pickled Pork Cutlet on Rice & Bran / カツ丼&ぬか漬け
- #3 Potato Salad / ポテトサラダ
- #4 Steamed Custard / 茶わん蒸し
- #5 Fried Rice / 炒飯
- #6 Tomato Spaghetti / トマトスパゲッティ
- #7 Spinach Salad with Sesame and Yams / ほうれん草のごま和え&とろろ芋
- #8 Croquette / コロッケ
- #9 Hand-Rolled Sushi / 手巻き寿司
- #10 Take a Break / ほっと一息
- #11 SP SECRET: Spaghetti with Clams / あさりスパゲッティ
- #12 SP SECRET: Stir-Fried Vegetables / 野菜炒め