RE-MENT Petit Sample Series Our Science Room / ぼくらの理科室
RE-MENT Petit Sample Series Our Science Room / ぼくらの理科室
Product Condition(s): Sealed and Pre-owned
- #1 An anatomical world / 人体模型
- #2 Experiment of boiling water / 水の沸騰の実験
- #3 Roberval balance / 上皿天秤の実験
- #4 Experiment of starch / でんぷんの実験
- #5 Experiment of water solution / 水溶液をつくる
- #6 Function of electric circuit / 電気のはたらき
- #7 Dissection of frog / かえるの解剖
- #8 Making a sponge toffee / カルメ焼きを作る
- #9 A microscope / 顕微鏡を使おう
- #10 Cleaning up / 後片付けも忘れずに